
Measurement and evaluation of physical agents and specific risks to support companies

For over 10 years supporting companies alongside the prevention and protection service, with the aim of managing specific risks and improving health and safety conditions in the workplace

Physical Agents Measurements


Supported measurement service for the assessment of risks deriving from physical agents: Electromagnetic Fields EMF, Artificial Optical Radiation AOR, Microclimate MC.
Drafting of detailed technical reports to support risk assessment drawn up with the aid of the automatic reporting software SPQReport.
Measurements and technical evaluations carried out in accordance with the regulations: Legislative Decree 81/08 Title VIII chapter IV; Legislative Decree 81/08 Title VIII chapter V; Legislative Decree 159/2016; 2013/35/EU;
EN 2006/25/EU; CEI 211-6; CEI 211-7; ISO 7730; ISO 7243; ISO 7933; ISO 11079



Assessment of risks deriving from exposure to coherent Artificial Optical Radiation emitted by LASER systems. The Laser Safety Technician or Laser Safety Officer has the objective of defining the behaviors, procedures and safety measures to be adopted by operators in order to reduce risks.
Evaluation pursuant to the following regulations: Legislative Decree 81/08; CEI EN 60825-1; CEI EN 76-6; UNI EN 207; UNI EN 208; UNI EN 2006/25/EU.


Equipment rental

Friest offers a wide range of tools.
The rental service aims to facilitate the user who needs to carry out occasional technical investigations and specific risk assessments without the obligation to purchase the instrumentation. All available instruments are always delivered attaching the relevant valid calibration and calibration certificate. There is also the possibility of requesting a small training dedicated to the first use of the instrumentation.



The training courses that Friest creates are of a technical, applicative and regulatory nature, relating to the physical agents EMF Electromagnetic Fields, ROA Artificial Optical Radiation, MC Microclimate, and relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC, regulatory training, specific product standards). Friest has staff who are experts in measurements and practical applications and consultants active in various national and international committees.


Calibration Service

We carry out Calibrations, Calibrations and Certification of distributed and non-distributed measuring instruments at our partner laboratories with ISO and ACCREDIALAT standards.
(ACCREDIA LAT Laboratoty n°008 Electromagnetic Fields C/O Narda STS
ACCREDIA LAT Laboratory n°25 Air speed C/O LSI Lastem).

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